Thank you to all who helped with the first
edition of the revived newsletter, including all the deliverers. Although the
first edition was short, we hope that you enjoyed getting this again. Lots of
people have told us that they are very pleased to find that the newsletter is
to continue. We are hoping to get another, longer, edition out before
Christmas, with a competition for the children and a quiz for us older ones!
Sheila and Maureen went to the County Council meeting about the crossing proposals for Ock Street and Marcham Road. Their report is below this article (or click HERE) and we are sure that their disappointment and frustration about the outcome is shared by many on our estates. Work hasbeen started in earnest on the field and sometime soon trees will be felled. While we would welcome people who want to live in our area, there is still considerable anxiety about the problems that their increased traffic will bring.
Next year we will have the added problem of the closure of Steventon Bridge – reports on how long it will be closed vary but 8 months seems about the most optimistic time scale. And work will be started soon on the Milton interchange…… Send the blog your thoughts about all this road work surrounding us.
We are beginning to get pieces for both the newsletter and the blog. Do send us ideas for articles – or write something yourself! And it would be great to have something from the children - drawings and stories and anything else that you want to share with others. See ‘Contacts’ for email, mobile telephone number and addresses.
Remember that you can also advertise your business. A full advert can go on the blog with a short summary in the paper newsletters. £10.00 for residents for the year.
We look forward to hearing from you.
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