Monday, 13 October 2014

Moving the crossing on Marcham Road

Comments to the decision of the Transport Committee - Oxford County Council 9th October 2014

We are very angry, disillusioned, disappointed and sad to have to report that the Oxfordshire County Council decided to accept the proposal from the developers to move the pedestrian crossing on the Marcham Road and to install a new one in Ock Street.

Despite many Councillors and Abingdon Residents speaking against the proposal and making very good points:
  • about safety of children crossing
  • the Councils 'duty of care' to residents
  • air pollution
  • congestion
  • traffic management and the wider Abingdon traffic crisis
  • the fact that it has already been turned down at 3 different Committee levels and the local MP is against the proposal
..... the Transport Committee decided to make their decision on the actual crossing itself without taking any of the fore-mentioned points into account.

In his summing up the Chairman said that he had listened carefully to all the comments, that the crossing does meet National safety guidelines and that he had observed the Drayton Road crossing for twenty minutes one Saturday morning (sic!).  He had to ask himself "do the proposals make the crossing safer and mitigate the traffic on the Drayton Road".  He thought it would, and would therefore support the recommendation.

There was general outrage and much discussion afterwards.  Residents and Councillors are not giving up and are looking into getting legal advice on further steps.  We will keep you posted.

report by Maureen and Sheila

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  1. I really can't think what possessed him to change his mind...Drayton Road will become a nightmare - even worse than it is now!

  2. so 'he had observed the Drayton Road crossing for twenty minutes one Saturday morning' and he thinks this is long enough to make a decision. Appalling. Guess he doesn't live in the area then.
