Thursday, 27 June 2019

The Poplars, Drayton Road - update

We see that the Vale Planning has given approval for the demolition of The Poplars and the building of a block of 8 flats in its place.  It is hoped that they are right that this will not look out of place, will not cause long-term problems for neighbours and will not add to the traffic problems in this area.  And, very importantly, that they are right that our children will be safe using the alley way and the crossing.

There are a number of conditions the developer must meet before starting work - interested residents can find the decision notice on the Vale’s Planning website under:

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Air Ambulance visit

Thames Valley Air Ambulance flew over houses on Tithe Farm and landed on the green by Longfellow Drive last week.  Our thoughts of course, are with the resident involved, and his family.