Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Neighbourhood Watch - Policing Update May 2016

Cycle theft: There have been four reported cycle thefts from Abingdon town centre over the last month.  Please make sure you lock your bike if leaving it unattended.

On Sunday 10 April, PCSO Ali Blood attended The Freewheeling Spring Cycle Festival.  She spent the day security marking over 100 bicycles and offering crime prevention advice.  If you would like to have your bike security marked or would like more information on how to keep it safe, please get in contact with the neighbourhood team.

Shoplifting: There have been a few shoplifting offences over the last month.  The neighbourhood team will continue to patrol the town centre shops on a regular basis to try and deter theft.

Anti-social behaviour (ASB): On the whole ASB is still on the decrease.  We are still carrying out high-visibility patrols to disperse and deter any groups.  If you witness any ASB please call our non- emergency number 101 to report it.

Purse theft
: After several purse thefts were reported recently in Waitrose, Abingdon, PCSOs Ali Blood and Susie Shepherd spent much of their time during the first two weeks of April speaking to customers and handing out crime prevention advice and purse bells.  The neighbourhood team would like to remind you to keep your valuables safe and secure when you are out.  If you would like more information on safety and security, please get in contact with the neighbourhood team.

Parking close to road junctions: 
We have received complaints about cars being parked on Shelley Close, too close to the junction with Northcourt Road.  If you are using the facilities at Northcourt Road please park considerately.  It is advised that you do not park within 10 metres of a junction.  Any vehicle found to be an unsafe distance from the junction will be liable for a £30 Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN).  Parking near to a junction restricts a driver’s view of the road when pulling out and is also unsafe for pedestrians wanting to cross.

Community engagement:  On 20th May PCSO's Sylvia Davies and Clare Eddery will be attending Ambitious Day at Rush Common School in Abingdon, where the children will be learning about ‘ People who help’.

The Abingdon PCSO's have been attending Junior Citizens at the Oxford Fire Station over the last month. Year 6 children from all over Oxfordshire, including Abingdon, are put through different dangerous scenarios including internet safety, house fires, railway lines and stranger danger. It is a fun and interactive day and the children are taught how to keep themselves safe and call the emergency services.

'Have Your Say' meetings:

Have Your Say meetings are an ideal opportunity for local residents to speak to their local police officers and PCSOs about any local issues, no appointment is necessary just turn up and speak to your local officers. Upcoming Have Your Say meetings are:

•  Wednesday, 11 May 2016, 11am – 11.45am at the Vale of White Horse Leisure and Tennis Centre, Audlett Drive, Abingdon with PCSO Sylvia Davies

•  Saturday, 28 May 2016, 11am – midday at Peachcroft Christian Centre, Lindsay Drive, Abingdon with PCSO Sylvia Davies.

Further meetings will be publicised locally and on the force website at www.thamesvalley.police.uk

Contact us:  If you want any advice or would like to contact the neighbourhood team you can call us on the police non-emergency number 101 or if it is an emergency then dial 999.  You can also contact us via email: AbingdonTownNHPT@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk.  Please note this email address cannot be used to contact Thames Valley Police to report crimes or for any urgent matters.  To view information on your neighbourhood team visit the Thames Valley Police website at: www.thamesvalley.police.uk. Receive free local crime alerts and crime prevention advice by registering at www.thamesvalleyalert.co.uk today.  This allows anyone who signs up to choose what updates they receive and how they would like to receive it.

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