Thursday, 17 March 2016

Ock Path update

Update from the Vale of the White Horse on the Ock path and the metal fencing that was fallen down.  Good news at last.  We have just heard that they are going to improve the footpath between Chaunterell Way and Tescos.  They say they're going to tarmac it, once it has been cleared and cleaned.  Also that very unpleasant barbed wire fencing is going to be removed and another type of fencing put in its place.

In the recent newsletter we said that we had been back to the Environment Agency about the fallen fence by the weir.  This was after going backwards and forwards between the EA and the Vale, each saying it definitely belonged to the other agency.  We are also pleased to report the the Vale have finally agreed that they are responsible for this fence.  Though they don't say yet what they are going to do about it!

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