Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Closure of Drayton Road for road repair

Signs have recently appeared along the Drayton Road indicating the road will be closed.  The Residents Association have contacted Oxfordshire County Council for more details, and their answers are shown below:
  • These signs have been erected to inform motorists and road users of the upcoming road closure. Adjacent footways will remain open for pedestrians - cyclists will be required to dismount and use the footway.  The works will be carried out in the following phases:
  • Phase 1 - Monday 27th July to Friday 31st July - off-peak temporary two-way traffic signals will be in operation from 9.30am to 3.30pm to enable advance kerbing works to be undertaken.
  • Phase 2 - Friday 31st July to Friday 7th August - 6 night-time road closures will be in operation to enable the road resurfacing to be completed.  The B4017 Drayton Road will be closed from 8pm to 6am during this phase at the junctions with the A415 Marcham Road/Ock Street and Mill Road.  No works will be undertaken at weekends.
  • The iron bridge / St Helens Wharf at the bottom of Caldecott Road will be unaffected.  There will be no reverse flow or 2 way flow here.
  • Emergency services will be allowed un-obstructed access as necessary along the Drayton Road during closure - this will be controlled by the OCC gatemen.
  • Alternative routes to and from the South of Abingdon will be via the B4017 Southbound (towards Steventon) / A4130 Eastbound / Milton Interchange / A34 Northbound / A415 Marcham Road (towards Abingdon) and vice versa.

Click on map to enlarge

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Gardening - The Garden in Summer - 2015

Summer is not as busy as some people think, with garden tasks more maintenance than anything else. 

As always, keep weeds under control, lawns trimmed (little and often is best) and pots and food crops watered.  Non-container plants in the garden rarely need watering unless they are new. Established shrubs can be left. When watering new plants, water in the evening so it won't evaporate so quickly, and water the roots/ground rather than the leaves.

Continue to feed containers, as well as food crops, and continue sowing the latter.  It is also worth sowing a few more annuals now to provide fillers for gaps that might appear later in the year.
As perennials flower and fade, cut them back hard and you should get a second flush of growth. Herbs can also be trimmed to keep them tidy, and the trimmings can be dried or frozen for future use.

Saturday, 11 July 2015


The next TFLRA meeting in Tuesday 14th July at 8pm in the Common Room, Stonewater flats, Bridges Close, (formerely known at Jephson).

All welcome!!

Friday, 10 July 2015

Street Name Plates

The street name plate for Byron Close, which has been missing for a long time, should appear again shortly, together with a matching replacement for the sign on the other side of the turning.  The Vale of the White Horse District Council is responsible for maintaining these signs.  Missing or damaged street name plates can be reported to them on 01235-520202 or by going to their website www.whitehorsedc.gov.uk