Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Deliver us from Evil - a light-hearted poem

Letterboxes can leave me in a dither
Approaching each door as I prepare to deliver
With a resounding SNAP!, just like a mousetrap
Pinching my fingers and making me shiver

A gnome eyes me warily, as I creep up the next path
I ease past the prickly bush, and round the birdbath
A dog barks at me, as I tackle a tree
I’ll need a cup of tea after this aftermath

Rat-a-tat-tat, rat-a-tat-tat
The letterbox rattles as the newsletter hits the mat
I gave it a shove, and prayed it wouldn't trap my glove
Or my hand won’t be pounced on by a cat

Red doors, blue doors, some made of wood
So many variations in this neighbourhood

Some boxes I can’t find, in this area I’m assigned
I’d post it, honestly, if only I could

Think of those who deliver to your door
Fighting fierce letterboxes, which I’m sure are carnivore
If you see us about, please wave with a shout
And we’ll wave back with stubby fingers, I’m sure

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