Friday, 14 November 2014

Chaunterell Way play area

We had a letter from a resident on Ladygrove:

I am concerned about the childrens play area behind Chaunterell Way.  I take my young grandchildren there most weeks and every time we visit we find that the gate has been left open.  The whole point of it being enclosed is for the safety of the children and also to keep out any dogs that might be out unaccompanied!!

Seems obvious to me that if there is a gate then it should be closed!!

Also a couple of weeks ago I had to clear up a lot of broken glass (bottles) from around the slide and climbing frame.  If a child had fallen over they could have had a very nasty injury.  I don't know how we can stop this happening unless the community police officers maybe patrol a bit more often or maybe residents could keep an eye out and contact the police if there is anyone there making a nuisance of themselves.

Well done on the revised newsletter.

kind regards

The TFLRA have since contacted the Town Council asking if someone could look into this, and maybe put a notice on the gate, and are waiting to hear from them.  We've also asked if the Community Police would like to come to our next meeting.  We will keep you posted.


Update - reply from the Town Council

The Town Council replied to us, and have agreed to put a notice on the gate to remind users to close it behind them.  They will also check that the gate is easy to close.  They confirm that they litter pick the area 4 or 5 times a week and say that they should be able to respond to reports of dangerous items within 24 hours or sooner.  They ask also for the co-operation of the community in all this.  The Community Police have agreed to pay attention to the area on their patrols.

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